Sunday 27 November 2016

How to find out if your child is doing drugs - home drug testing kits

Are you concerned that your son, daughter, or family member is doing drugs? Is the prospect of having to bring them to a clinic too horrible for you to even contemplate? You should take time to consider another option. Why not try home drug-testing as an alternative?

1. Why Home Drug Testing?

Looking at it from an objective point of view, home drug-testing provides a lot of advantages for people who value their privacy among other things. It is also cheaper to buy a do-it-yourself drug testing kit than to go to a drug testing facility and have the examination there. It is less hassle and less worry on your part. It provides anonimity that keeps the sense of privacy surrounding your family intact.

2. Choose Wisely

There are a lot of do-it-yourself drug test kits available in the market today. Some examples of these tests include: urine tests, blood tests, saliva drug tests, etc. By knowing beforehand what kind of test you are pondering to take, you will save on your precious time. The most effective type of drug testing kit is actually the hair testing kit. This can tell you not only if your child has drugs in their system at the time of the test, but over the entirety of the past four months as well!

3. What Can Drug Tests Detect?

- Amphetamines

- Barbiturates

- Cocaine

- Marijuana

- Methamphetamines

- Opiates

These multi-drug tests are very handy as they will screen your loved ones for a wide range of drugs, not just Marijuana. You no longer need to buy a single tester for every type of drug that you fear your children might using. These pose savings for you and again, less hassle.

4. Talk Openly With Your Children

It is critical that you talk openly with your children during the testing process. Let them know that you are doing this because you care so much about them. If you are especially quiet, you can perform a drug test on your child or loved one while they are sleeping - simply clip approximately 40 hairs from them approximately one and one-half inches from the base of their root, and this will suffice for the very effective hair drug test kit. Often, children will be rebellious and feel a lack of trust if you bring up the subject of having a drug test conducted. Let them know that regardless of the result, the main objective isn't to make things harder on them, but to simply put your mind at ease.

5. Use The Internet

There are are countless websites and companies that offer home drug-testing kits. Look and compare. Find out if there are reviews for the testing kit you are considering to buy. This will be beneficial on your part since you will be able to learn more about the product you are planning to buy as well as comparisons with other products out in the market. Your choices will increase and you will be able to buy the best the market has to offer.

The reasons i love christmas

Most everyone I know loves Christmas. There is something about the magic and wonder of the season that is unmatched during the rest of the year. There are so many reasons that I love Christmas I can hardly know where to begin.

I guess the biggest reason I love Christmas is because for me, it has always meant the gathering of family and friends. It is only during the Christmas season that we gather from a far and enjoy days filled with laughter, good conversation, good meals and tons of games. My four siblings and I have naturally spread out into our adulthood and usually it is only at Christmas that we get to reunite with each other and with our parents. You could take everything else about Christmas away from me and I would still love it just for this reason.

With my family and close friends around me, I love the sheer celebration and party that the Christmas season is. I love going from Christmas party to Christmas party and celebrating with the people I care about most. I am quite sure that there is nothing better than enjoying a day of sledding, making snow men, drinking hot chocolate, and then coming inside to watch old movies and eat great snacks by the Christmas tree. Even the smallest parts of Christmas feel like magic. I love the way the Christmas tree glows each year with white twinkle lights on it, and I love the way the house smells after my mom finishes baking her famous Christmas cookies. I love seeing my children sleeping side by side with each of their cousins right in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

Another reason I love Christmas is because it happens near the end of the year. Many years Christmas becomes my Thanksgiving as well as I realize all of the ways that I have been blessed during the past year. I take time each Christmas to write a letter to each of my parents, siblings, my husband, children, and close friends. It takes me weeks to write them all, but I love sharing with each person in my life the ways that they have blessed my life during the past year. I never give a Christmas gift without a letter attached. I love that Christmas reminds me to be grateful and to cherish the best things and people in my life.

Take a little time and think about the reasons you love Christmas so much. I think you will find that it truly is the greatest time of the year.

History of candle making

Who invented the candle?

Candles were invented independently in many countries. The Egyptians and Cretans made candles from beeswax, about 3000 BC. In the fourth century BC there were clay candle holders in Egypt. Qui Shi Huang (259 - 210 BC) was the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 BC). His mausoleum was rediscovered in the 1990s 22 miles east of Xi'an in China and contained candles made from whale fat. In early China and Japan tapers were made with wax from insects and seeds, wrapped in paper. Wax from boiling cinnamon was used for temple candles in India. There is a fish called the "smelt" or candlefish, found from Oregon to Alaska. During the first century AD native Americans used oil from this fish. They put it on a forked stick then lit it. Excavations at Pompeii discovered several candelabra. The Latin word "candere" means to flicker. Yak butter was used for candles in Tibet. In Europe the earliest surviving candle was discovered near Avignon in France, from the first century AD. In 848 King Alfred used a candle-clock which burned for 4 hours. There were lines around the side to show the passing of each hour. Later, there were 24-hour candles. The Sung dynasty in China (960 - 1279) also used candle-clocks. By the 18th century, the Chinese put weights into the sides. As the candle melted, the weights fell off and made a noise as they fell into a bowl. A form of candle-clock was used in coal-mining until the twentieth century. The novel "Anthem" by Ayn Rand contains a scene in chapter VII, where there is a painting showing "the twenty men who invented the candle". This can only be fanciful.

The Middle Ages

During the middle ages, the popularity of candles is shown by their use in Candlemas and on Saint Lucy festivities. Tallow, fat from cows or sheep, became the standard material used in candles in Europe. The Tallow Chandlers Company of London was formed in about 1300 in London, and in 1456 was granted a coat of arms. By 1415 tallow candles were used in street lighting. The trade of the chandler is also recorded by the more picturesque name of "smeremongere", since they oversaw the manufacture of sauces, vinegar, soap and cheese. The unpleasant smell of tallow candles is due to the glycerine in it. For churches and royal events, candles from beeswax were used, as the smell was usually less unpleasant. Dating from about 1330, the Wax Chandlers Company acquired its charter in 1484. The first candle mould comes from 15th century Paris. The smell of the manufacturing process was so unpleasant that it was banned by ordnance in several cities. The first American colonists discovered that bayberries could be used to make candles, but the yield was very poor. 15 lbs of boiled bayberries would provide only 1 lb of wax.

new types of oil

Spermaceti is oil that comes from the sperm whale. From about 1750 it was used to provide very expensive candles. By 1800 a much cheaper alternative was discovered. Brassica campestris is derived from rape seed. It yields colza oil. This was the best candle yet, producing clear smokeless flames. The French chemists Michel-Eugene Chevreul (1786 - 1899) and Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (1788 - 1850) patented stearin, in 1811. Like tallow, this was derived from animals, but had no glycerine content. Joseph Sampson had the second patent ever granted in the United States. It was for a new method of candle-making in 1790. In 1806 William Colgate (1783 - 1857) (later famous for his "Soap and Perfumery Works") established a tallow factory in New York. By 1847 he had switched to making soap. There seems to be an ethical component of many nineteenth-century soap and candle manufacturers, as Colgate became involved with Bible Societies. James Wilson of Price's Candles were also concerned about promoting Christianity, and abolishing slavery. Following the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, there were celebration dances across Europe. It is sometimes said that more candles were burned in 1815 than in any year before or since. In 1834 Joseph Morgan began to industrialise the production of candles. He invented a machine to manufacture 1,500 per hour, from a mould.

Paraffin and palm oil

Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell. A chemist called Laurent distilled it from schist in 1830, and another chemist Dumas, obtained it from coal-tar in 1835. Not until 1850 did it become commercially viable, when James Young filed a patent to produce it from coal. This was a major blow to the candle industry. From this point, candles became more of a decorative item. In 1829 William Wilson of Price's Candles invested in 1,000 acres of coconut plantation in Sri Lanka. His aim was to make candles from coconut oil. Later he tried palm oil from palm trees, but an accidental discovery swept all this aside. His brother George Wilson distilled the first petroleum oil in Burma in 1854. By 1922 Lever Brothers had bought Prices Candles and in 1922 a joint-owned company called "Candles Ltd" was created. The three owners are today better known as Shell Oil Company, BP and Burmah Oil. By 1991, the last remaining owner of "Candles Ltd" was Shell, who sold off the candle-making part of business.

The oldest candle manufacturers still in existence are Rathbornes Candles, founded in Dublin in 1488.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Electrical wheelchair lift for the automobile

When someone is on a wheelchair, special care must be given when the person needs to ride in automobile. This is because the individual is not able to get in or out of the vehicle like normal people.

The person can lift the disabled individual into the car and when getting out which will take a long time or make this happen faster by installing an electrical wheelchair lift on the automobile.

There are two types of wheelchair lifts. The first is powered by hydraulics and the other using electricity. More people prefer the electric type because this can be wired to the battery of the vehicle. This saves a few dollars from buying fluid, which has to be placed periodically to keep it functioning.

The person can check out the nearby store for the kinds of lifts available. The extended lift is the most convenient because the individual will just push a button for this to come out making it easy to push the wheelchair in. The same thing will be done when exiting the vehicle.

There are also variations in the type of exits used on the electric lift. People who entered in the lift may also exit the same way or enter through the center then leave either on the right or the left. The type of vehicle the person has will determine which is applicable.

The cost in on an electric or hydraulic wheelchair lift is very expensive. The cheapest one is a little over $10,000, which is not covered by Medicare or by an insurance firm. The person may be able though to get a thousand dollar discount from the manufacturer of the van if this is new or borrowed.

Electric wheelchair lifts have been around for some time. Even if the store has models available for various vans, it is still advisable to bring this in for the technician to get the right measurements.

When this has been completed, the customer can bring the vehicle back in for the installation of the lift. This could take a day or two if there are many customers who are also having this done.

The individual should check if this works properly before leaving the shop with and without the one on the wheelchair.

All electric wheelchair lifts are ADA compliant. This should be checked from time to time to make sure there wouldn’t be any problems for the one who is on the wheelchair.

Dangers of inaccurate or incorrect prescriptions

When people get sick, doctors will inevitably analyze the symptoms, diagnose the problem, and hand out a list if medications that can help alleviate the symptoms. For the most part, doctors suggest prescription drugs rather than over-the-counter medication. This is largely because if the over-the-counter ones actually worked, then there wouldn't be a need to visit a doctor. This situation is not uncommon and, in general, whenever a medical professional prescribes certain medications, then the recommendation is a reliable one. However, some statistics are starting to show that there in an increase in mishaps related to the prescription process. Particularly troublesome are situations that involve prescribing too many drugs to a patient and prescribing the wrong ones.

Anyone who disputes that prescription drugs are of great benefit and a medical necessity in the modern world can be considered a fool, but too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. However, according to statistics published as early as 2003, thousands of prescriptions a year are incorrect and dangerous. Most experts pile them into two basic categories: the over-prescribed, and the incorrectly prescribed. Being given too many prescription drugs to take could cause harm to the body, particularly if the given medications are too potent or might have dangerous side effects when taken together. In the event that the prescription is incorrect, not only is there a risk that the patient's condition will simply deteriorate, there is also the risk of unforeseen complications from the effects of the drugs. Statistics show that at least 21.3% of all patients are given prescriptions that are either wrong or have too many drugs listed.

One of the more common reasons for this problem is that the “illness” at the root of the problem is merely an adverse reaction to previously taken prescription drugs. The side effects of some medications can easily look like the symptoms of some diseases. For example, some of the signs of insomnia are known to be similar to the rarer side effects of some muscle relaxant medication. The doctor mistakenly views the side effects as symptoms, which prompts him to prescribe more drugs to combat an illness that isn't actually there. Of course, this is not always the case.

In other instances, the problem stems from the fact that a more preferable alternative is present, but the doctor instead recommends one that is not perfectly suited to the problem. There are various ways by which any given drug can become inappropriate. The patient may have allergic reactions to one or more of the chemical components of the given drug. The prescribed may be posed as an alternative to a better drug, or better suited to treating a different (but similar) condition. In a few cases, the commercially available doses might be too much, or too little, for the patient in question. In fact, incorrect dosages are among the primary problems that some patients face with regards to the safety of their prescriptions.

There are various other instances where the prescription might not be right. Regardless of how the incorrect information came about, the end result is always the same. There is an increased risk of side effects and damage to the patient, which is exactly what most doctors would prefer to avoid. The problem can only get worse as more people pop pills.

Friday 25 November 2016

Keeping well when monsoon dwells

First showers of monsoon are heartily welcomed by everyone after experiencing the scorching heat of summer. But monsoons reduce the immunity of our body and make us susceptible to many diseases which are commonly associated with this season. It is time for us to keep our body resistant against diseases by boosting our immunity and taking precautions against these diseases.

The diseases associated with monsoon are malaria, jaundice, gastro intestinal infections like typhoid and cholera. Apart from these, viral infections like cold and cough also make their presence felt.

Puddles of water formed due to rain become breeding grounds for mosquitoes which spread diseases like malaria and dengue fever. As a precautionary measure against mosquito bite born diseases one can use mosquito net around the bed which is better choice to mosquito repellants like mats and coils. A mosquito repellant cream is the best choice when you are away from home. Fumigating the house with smoke of dried neem leaves in evenings for 1-2 minutes is an excellent ayurvedic method to keep mosquitoes away.

Pollution of drinking water during monsoon is very common. It is very necessary to drink clean and pure water when water borne monsoon diseases like diarrhea and gastro intestinal infections threaten us. Drinking boiled water at home is strongly recommended to tap water. Prefer mineral water of government certified companies when you are away from home.

Walking in dirty water during rainy season leads to numerous fungal infections which affect toes and nails. Diabetic patients have to take a special care about their feet. Always keep your feet dry and clean. Avoid walking in dirty water. Keep your shoes, socks and raincoats dry and clean. Drying clothes with fumes of loban and dry neem leaves is recommended in ayurvedic texts.

Precautions have to be taken to prevent dampness and growth of fungus (mold) on and around the house where asthmatic patients live. Avoid fumigation in case of asthmatic patients.

Ayurvedic Tips to increase body immunity and preventing diseases of monsoon.

1. The digestive system gets weakened due to dehydration in summer. This leads to low digestive power. This is further weakened by vitiation of doshas and dhatus due to monsoon. Hence following diets which increase power of digestion and strengthen the digestive system would be beneficial in rainy season.

• Light foods prepared out of old barley, rice and wheat.

• Sour and salted soups of vegetables.

• Drinking boiled and cooled water mixed with little honey.

• Consuming little quantity of wine prepared out of grapes.

• Adding ginger and green gram in daily diet.

• Eating warm food.

2. Avoid the following

Sleeping in daytime.

Over physical exertion.

Over exposure to sun.

3. Always keep the surrounding dry and clean. Do not allow water to get accumulated around.

4. Keep your body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down.

5. Do not enter air conditioned room with wet hair and damp cloths.

6. Dry your feet and webs with soft dry cloth whenever they are wet.

7. Wash vegetables with clean water and steam them well to kill germs.

8. Avoid eating uncooked foods and salads.

9. Drink plenty of water and keep your body well hydrated.

10. Do not allow kids to play in stagnant polluted water filled puddles.

Ayurvedic Home remedies for Monsoon diseases

1. Apply castor oil or sesame oil for cracked feet and skin.

2. A freshly prepared paste of turmeric, neem and sesame seeds is recommended in ayurveda for fungal infection between toes.

3. Drink a glass of warm water mixed with a tea spoon of honey in empty stomach. This flushes out accumulated toxins.

4. Freshly prepared radish juice is the best remedy for cold.

5. A pinch each of long pepper powder and rock salt mixed in warm water reduces cough

6. The following home recipes can be used as home remedies for digestive disorders of monsoon

In Indigestion


Rice-1/2 cup

Water -4 cups

Long pepper - 2or 3

Ginger -1’’

Method of preparation:

Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with crushed ginger and salt. Powder long pepper and fry it in a spoon of cow’s ghee and add it to gruel. Consume this when it hot. This is very light to digest and relieves colic pain.

In Diarrhea


Rice -1/2 cup

Water – 4 cups

Ginger paste – 1/2 spoon

Salt to taste

Pomegranate juice: Ѕ cup

Method of preparation

1. Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with ginger paste and salt

2. Add pomegranate juice when the gruel is warm. This gruel rehydrates body and supply energy . This soothes inflamed walls of intestine and controls bowel movements.

In flatulence


Ѕ cup of rice

4 cups of water

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - powder-1/2 spoon

Roots of pippali or long pepper

Ginger paste -1/2 spoon salt to taste

Method of preparation

Cook Rice, haritaki powder , roots of pippali and water together. Add salt to it. Consume this when it is warm. This relieves flatulence and regularizes the bowel movement

Thus precautions coupled with care really help you to enjoy monsoon. Have a healthy and safe monsoon.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

How to find hot selling products

How do you find good products that will sell online? First thing we need to do is understand what type of products people already have an interest in buying. Finding a product with high demand is the most important part in finding a good product that will sell, also check out the competition for that product. If there are a million website already trying to sell that exact same product then your chances of being successful with that product are pretty slim.

So how do I find products in high demand with little competition? This is the question I hear most often from people trying to profit from selling products online. Well the truth is your only choice is to do some research. There are all kinds of twists and turns along the way that may lead you to think you have a high-demand product or idea. We must be able to comprehend and satisfy the need, wants and expectations of our customers on a certain product that they're trying to buy. Those three things are the necessities in a purchase. Needs are the basic reasons or the minimum requirements consumers are looking for in a product or service. Wants are the determining dimensions among many choices. Expectations, on the other hand, are values or intangibles related with a product or service. Expectations are actually part of wants but they become extremely important when products or services are not differentiated.

The next step is finding the level of competition for your new found product or service. While companies would naturally define its target competitors, it is actually the consumers who ultimately decide the competitive frame, or the list related products or services that consumers consider when exercising their purchasing power. We must therefore choose the market segment where we can have a potential leadership or at least a strong challenger role. Because the overriding objective of getting into this business is not just to satisfy the needs and wants of our customers but to do so profitably better than his competition. Otherwise, our competition will end up satisfying the customers better than our own interest.

Third factor to be considered in finding hot selling products is finding out the general interest level about the product. General interest in a product helps us to gauge where our demand and competition numbers fall into the big picture. Simply saying, if there isn't much demand for the product, and there isn't much competition, it would seem that it might not be good a good put up for sale. But the research doesn't stop here; there is one last thing to be considered to exactly find the hot selling products that you've been looking for. We must also learn how others are advertising those products. If there are a good number of them doing so, it may mean that it's a good product to get into. Coming to the last phase of the process is analyzing and evaluating all the information that has been collected. We have to look at all of the data we have collected on demand, competition, and advertising, and make decision as how they all balance out.

And here are several factors or aspects that must be measured: (a) not enough demand means not enough people are going to buy (b) too much competition means not enough of a profit to go around (c) too much advertising drives up the price of pay per click ads, and competition as well (d) not enough general interest, combined with low demand, means there may not be a good market even if there is competition trying to make the sales.