When you are searching on the web for something you want to buy or just search for some information, you go to a handful of search engines out there and type in what you are looking for and receive a ton of different sites to visit. So what if you want your website or business to show up at the top of the page ? This is where search engine optimization comes into play.
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is used by online businesses as a way to increase their chances of being in the top ten rankings on search engines. Because most web surfers only look at the top three or five websites listed, being that high in ranking increases the possibility of making a sale. Because there are many tricks to using SEO, you may become confused easily if you are not used to it.
Keywords are the most important part of search engine optimization. Otherwise known as tags, keywords are descriptors of your business or site. The best ways to use SEO is to add keywords and phrases to your web pages and create back links to your website so potential customers will be able to find your site regardless of whether they use a search engine or not. Search engines use web spiders that search each website and sites connected to it in order to create rankings. While this occurs very quickly, search engines actually check millions of pages checking for sites that are frequently mentioned online. Adding keywords and phrases and adding back links on other websites are easy ways to increase your web presence.
After creating your website, you should conduct research to find the most popular keywords that people use when looking for goods and services similar to the ones on your website. Each page within your site should include keywords in the content, Meta tags, and in the heading of your page. Choosing keywords is not an exact science. Since you cannot read the minds of those using search engines, you will need to choose words and phrases that are common. Search engines have free tools you can use to determine which words are the most popular for your website. Let's say your business is selling computer products. Possible keywords, or tags, could include software, diagnostic tools, printers, keyboard, mouse, and window operating system. And these are just to name a few. The more keywords you purchase means more possible hits for your site. And in some cases the more keywords, or tags, that you have, the better the chance is of having your site at the top of the list.
You will have to update keywords each month since the popularity will chance and words will no longer be used as much as they used to. Update your web pages when adding new content or sections of your website. This will help increase the number of hits you receive. Track your hits to see where they are coming from so you can have a better understanding of which words work the best.
Creating back links is another way to increase your web presence. Back links are simply links to your web site. They can be added to your blog, articles you submit to article directories, press releases, and other web sites. The more back links you have, the higher your search engine ranking will be. Adding keywords to your press releases and articles will also help.
SEO is not difficult to achieve once you get the hang of it. Start by adding keywords and phrases in order to begin using SEO. Add back links whenever possible so you will gain more exposure on the web. Track where all of your traffic is coming from so you can market in areas that generate the most traffic.
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